Phase One with the Red-tailed Monkeys
The past week was busy busy busy, but so fun! I definitely had a minor panic attack thinking that I was forgetting something, was going to mess something up, etc haha, but everything went smoothly with no issues save for some minor technical difficulties! Also, I am a freaking boss at assembling and painting small boxes now, so yay for new skills I guess. π Those technical difficulties being that on my way to the zoo the first morning driving through Grizzly Peak, I somehow shifted my car into manual and had to pull over and restart the car to get it to go back to normal, my GoPro was being a total diva and not wanting to cooperate, my camera does not take good video, I accidentally stopped my stopwatch halfway through day three, and there was a minor learning curve learning how to use my voice recorder. BUT! I managed to solve all those issues. Funnily enough, despite all my more "high-tech" equipment, my best tool besides the voice recorder has been my old iPhone lol --- ...